October Results for P.O.M.

The October edition of Photo of the Month was judged by True North Photo Journal founder and Editor in Chief Cody Punter. 


1. FEAoctAPR3

TORONTO, Ont. (06/10/17) - Tim Evans eats breakfast while two other residents of the transition home play fight. Amongst the challenges of running the house is dealing with the many personalities that are forced together under one roof. Photo by Andrew Ryan


NORTH BAY, Ont. (14/10/17) - Teammates clap for the exhausted winner of the women's dead lift competition. Summary: The CrossFit Festivus Games “For the Rest of Us" event hosted by Crossfit 705 in North Bay, Ont. on October 14, 2017. Over 60 athletes from North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Huntsville, Sudbury and Woodbridge participated in the annual event, competing in teams of two to achieve the best times in weight and cardio repetitions. Photo by Vanessa Tignanelli

3. FEAoctVGT3

NORTH BAY, Ont. (14/10/17) - A man collapses after finishing 50 repetitions of overhead lift. Summary: The CrossFit Festivus Games “For the Rest of Us" event hosted by Crossfit 705 in North Bay, Ont. on October 14, 2017. Over 60 athletes from North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Huntsville, Sudbury and Woodbridge participated in the annual event, competing in teams of two to achieve the best times in weight and cardio repetitions. Photo by Vanessa Tignanelli


BELLEVILLE, Ont. (21/10/17) - Isiah Turner, left, and his band Into the Light perform for the first time at a halloween party in Belleville. Photo by Andrew Ryan


First - Good composition and lighting. Captures a good contrast in moments.

Second - Strong composition, which tells a straightforward story with tension and emotion.

Third - Simple image that is easy to read and straight to the point.

HM - The composition here is interesting but the light leaves a lot to be desired. Might have considered bumping up the exposure/ISO or using a flash.


1. NEWoctAXI2

TORONTO, Ont. (10/15/17) — Josh Lamers, 23, participates in the Unity Rally Against White Supremacy held in Toronto, Ont. on Oct. 15, 2017. Hundreds of people showed up to Queen’s Park to protest against a rising alt-right movement. Photo by Andrej Ivanov

2. NEWoctAPR2

TORONTO, Ont. (21/10/17) - A counter-protestor is arrested after a fight broke out between the Proud Boys, an alt-right group, and a large group of counter-protestors at Toronto city Hall. The event was organized by the alt-right group to protest the policies of Trudeau's Liberal government. Photo by Andrew Ryan

3. NEWoctAPR1

KINGSTON, Ont. (18/10/17) - Ryan Jones writes in the book setup in Market Square for attendees of the Gord Downie Memorial in Kingston the night of his death. Photo by Andrew Ryan


First - This is a kind of image you see a lot these days. That said this particular one is pulled off really nicely with solid framing and some complimentary colours, in addition to capturing a great moment.  

Second - Great capture that shows good instict in a fast-paced setting. The shot is tight enough to have a strong focal point but at an angle where you get an idea of the setting with the buildings in the background. 

Third - Really strong lighting and simple composition help get straight to the point while also conveying the sense of mourning. Great Shot!


1. SPToctVGT2
NORTH BAY, Ont. (14/10/17) - Mike Bartolucci does as many 95-pound shoulder to overhead presses as he can  at the CrossFit Festivus Games “For the Rest of Us" event, hosted by Crossfit 705 in North Bay, Ont. on October 14, 2017. His partner does a bar hang until Bartolucci needs to switch. Each team has 9 minutes to complete as many push presses as possible. Over 60 athletes from North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Huntsville, Sudbury and Woodbridge participated in the annual event, competing in teams of two to achieve the best times in weight and cardio repetitions. Photo by Vanessa Tignanelli 

2. SPToctYAG6

BELLEVILLE, ONT (10/06/17) — Brennan Spencer of the Loyalist Lancers Mens Rugby team take a drink of water during a time out during the teams home game against the St. Lawrence Vikings. The Lancers lost the game 36 to 13. Photo: Yader Guzman

3. SPTsepSDS2

Belleville, Ont. (21/10/17) – Outside hitter Sara Piana-Yafu of the Loyalist Lancers volleyball team smashes a point past the Georgian Grizzles defence during their first game of the season in Belleville. The Lancers won the match and will look to continue their streak next week against the Seneca Sting. Photo by Sasha Sefter


First - Very strong composition and great moment.

Second - Good moment which shows intensity with the grass on the face and the water rolling down the chin.

Third - Captures an important part of the game but could be a technically stronger shot.


1. PRToctAPR1

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (18/10/17) - After being trapped in a hospital during the 2015 earthquake in Nepal Jill Widdifield turned to alcohol to fight through the pain and PTSD from the carnage she was subjected to. Her alcoholism eventually left her estranged from her family who, after holding an intervention, sent Jill to a rehab facility. When she was released, she said she had no where else to go in Ottawa and had to move to Belleville. Photo by Andrew Ryan


BELLEVILLE, Ont. (24/10/17) - Jeremey Donnelly arrived at the transition home after being released from rehab. Donnelly suffers from mental illness and left the transition home three days later after relapsing. Photo by Andrew Ryan

3. PRToctAPR2

TORONTO, Ont. (10/10/17) - Tim Evans gets food from the cellar of Jessie's House. Evan's used to be locked in a basement as a child and has spent the past 27 years in and out of jail and is a survivor of Ontario's training school system, where he says he was tied to a chair while employees fired orange hockey balls at him.  Photo by Andrew Ryan


First - This is a very strong portrait. Nicely lit and well composed with the mirror by the window. The words on the mirror help make it more intense.

Second - This shot has unusual framing, and lots of negative space, but given the subject matter I think it really works. I especially like how the vertical space has been divided into three parts. It may be a bit wide and unconventional for a standard newspaper portrait but I don't think that takes away from the picture.

Third - Great lighting and composition, which captures the mood and context for the picture. 


1. MPXoctYAG5





First - Strong selection of shots, although the edit could have had better flow. Series would have also benefited from a strong wide shot of a car drifting.

Second - Tight edit. Strong pictures but could have used a bit more variety. Could have really used some wide shots that show just how many motorcycles were in town.

Third - Good variety in the shots, with nice framing. Edit could be a little tighter with some shots being repetitive.

HM - This series of pictures did not add anything to one another. It consisted of five shots, taken from almost the same place in the same room but showing different details. Next time consider moving your feet a bit more and flesh out the story a little more.


Andrew Ryan +360
Yader Guzman +200
Vanessa Tignanelli +200
Andrej Ivanov +110
Sasha Sefter +25

Andrew Ryan -         1210
Yader Guzman -        310
Vanessa Tignanelli -  200
Andrej Ivanov -         285
Sasha Sefter -             25
Mari Huramoto -        50
Amy Walton -            25

Points are awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honourable Mentions.
1st place - 100
2nd place - 50
3d place - 25
HM - 10