Entries Stat: 11 submissions
Judges' comments: Overall, we were impressed with the entries. In our discussion while judging we felt some pieces lacked visual narrative, in others the story narrative was not strong enough. Those that placed in the top three had stronger elements in visual and story narrative.
Judges' comments:
Tory: This was my favourite. Great audio, great details, great pacing, well put together, enough emotion, strong story, perfect length. The only thing I though that could have used some work was it could have had a stronger ending.
AM: Difficult subject matter to build visual narrative so the concept was well thought out in shooting, good storytelling and captivating character and topic. Would also like a stronger ending. Solid piece.
2. Hannah Eden — No Idle Hands
Judges' comments:
Tory: Good story, well shot, good use of b-roll audio and I found it interesting to watch. The story was deeper than most because it seems like the right questions were asked. Nice footage.
AM: Very touching. I would have started at 7 seconds in. Needles then straight to, "I don't like idol hands". Felt a bit slow at the beginning and her comment is very powerful. This is a personal choice but always important to remember you need to grab attention quickly to keep it. Nice editing of multiple thoughts and elements that affect the main character. Quiet moments that make you feel like you're there with the couple and kept the piece gripping. All questions a viewer would have were answered and eloquently so. Good length, structure and visuals.
3. Alistair Maitland — Carvin' On
Judges' comments:
Tory: Strange intro, but from there on in I liked it. The main character was interesting, awesome that the shooter interviewed more than just one person, good use of b-roll audio, it flowed well…could have been a bit shorter perhaps..but I thought it was a really nice slice of life (no pun intended)
AM: Agree, I did not understand the opening. I would have started at 35 seconds. The intro was jarring and the sound of chainsaws during the 35 second opener can be challenging for a viewer. Also felt the final comment of the piece was added in because it was a good phrase but would have been better suited in the middle of the piece. It was a natural ending for Levi to close the piece with his comment. Strong narrative overall and connecting many different voices in a seamless, easy to follow, story that was warm and heartfelt.
H.M. Justin Chin — Three Legged Life
Judges' comments:
AM: This was a well documented, thoughtful piece. Tory felt the piece, which on Vimeo said it was a highlight real, didn't reflect the word highlight and was therefore confusing. I had seen this piece before and therefore was impressed with the edit down from 11 minutes to 4.5. I thought it was stronger and the important moments were maintained, keeping the video moving at a nice pace with layers to the story that kept evolving and surprising me. Well shot, and obvious the time and effort was put into making a well rounded visual story.
H.M. Emily Cumming — Hollywood Solo
Judges' comments:
Tory: My only issue with this one is that I wish it had more video. Emily nails it with the emotion and the beauty of the images, but the fact that it is mainly stills is less engaging to me for some reason. It is a wonderful intro and a wonderful story though. Also the interview was set up off centre and I found that distracting. But Emily and I have already talked about that!
AM: I agree. With so much life together I think more visual options would have been possible. I felt in some ways this is a retrospective of a life together and there was more room to build on that idea and really show their relationship, so the emotion of the loss was more striking to the viewer. Powerful interview, needed more time to develop visuals to match.
Points awarded
110 — Justin Chin
50 — Hannah Eden
25 — Alistair Maitland
10 — Emily Cumming
**This officially ends the POM contest for the 2013-2014 year. Many thanks to the wonderful judges and all the participants for making it a very interesting year.
— POM Committee 2013-2014 - Hannah, Anica, Adam and Justin
50 — Hannah Eden
25 — Alistair Maitland
10 — Emily Cumming
**This officially ends the POM contest for the 2013-2014 year. Many thanks to the wonderful judges and all the participants for making it a very interesting year.
— POM Committee 2013-2014 - Hannah, Anica, Adam and Justin