March 2014 Results

Peter Jones, editor in charge North American Sports Pictures and Canada Pictures, and David Lucas (@PhotoDeskLucas), photo editor of Reuters online and graduate of the program, were the judges for March 2014 Photos of the Month. 

Entries Stats:
Photographers — 12
Feature — 7
News — 12
Sports — 6
Portrait — 16
Multi Photo — 3 entries/33 photos

Judges' comments: Overall, categories quite weak.  Some cropping a bit off.

1. Justin Chin
BRIGHTON, Ont. (16/03/2014) — The sun sets in Brighton, Ont. on Sunday, March 16, 2014. Photo by Justin Chin

1. Jeremy Mckay
MONTREAL, QB. (15/03/14) - Police in riot gear Kettle a demonstrator and an innocent woman between Saint-Denis st and Saint Vallier st at the 18th annual anti-police brutality protest on March 15th, 2014. Over 288 demonstrators were fined and 5 demonstrators were arrested. Photo By Jeremy Mckay
2. Dillan Cools
TYENDINAGA TOWNSHIP, ON (19/03/14) Aboriginal demonstrators from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory set up a blockade at a CN Rail crossing on Wyman Road just south of Old Highway 2 on Monday evening. Their aim is to draw attention to the staggering number of missing or murdered Indigenous women across the country. Photo by Dillan Cools.
3. Jeremy Mckay
SHANNONVILLE, Ont. (02/03/2014) - Shawn Brant along with fellow first nations protestors sit around a bonfire at the blockade northeast of Shannonville on Sunday night. "We'll here as long as it takes" said Brant . The protestors are calling for a federal inquiry into the issue of missing and murdered aboriginal women.  Photo By Jeremy Mckay
1. Justin Chin
BURLINGTON, Ont. (15/03/2014) — Karena Lam, 22, poses for a photograph on Saturday, March 15, 2014. Photo by Justin Chin
2. Emily Cumming
TORONTO, Ont. (11/03/14) - Michelle Caneo, 24, looks at her coach through his fingers as he trains her at Sully's Boxing Gym in Toronto.
3. Hannah Yoon
TORONTO, Ont. (15/03/2014) — Morgan Baskin, 18, hangs out on the Queen St. W streetcar on Saturday, March 15, 2014. Baskin is the youngest registered candidate in the 2014 Toronto mayoral election. Photo by Hannah Yoon
1. James Paddle-Grant
KANATA, Ont. (09/03/14) - Brody Maracle amongst many other Carleton Ravens players step up off the bench in excitement as their team takes a lead late in the CIS finals game against the Ottawa University Gee-Gee's. The final score resulted in a 79-67 Ravens win to mark their record breaking tenth CIS championship in the last twelve years. Photograph taken by James Paddle-Grant, Loyalist College.
2. Emily Cumming
TORONTO, Ont. (22/03/14) - Michelle Caneo, 24, gets coached by Joe Manteiga during a break in her first amateur boxing fight.  Despite being the mother to her two year old son Cruz, Caneo trains everyday at Sully's Boxing Gym in Toronto and wants to be a champion.
3. Micah Bond
BELLVILLE, Ont. (12/03/14) Belleville Bulls player Cameron Brace attempts to score on a breakaway but is tripped on his way to the net and Peterborough Petes goalie Jason Da Silva makes the save. The play resulted in a penalty shot that Brace subsequently scored on. Brace scored four goals during the game propelling the Bulls to a 6-2 victory over the Peterborough Petes. Photo by Micah Bond
1. Emily Cumming
TORONTO, Ont. (11/03/14) - Michelle Caneo, 24, puts on a bandana while training.  Despite being the mother to her two year old son Cruz, Caneo trains everyday at Sully's Boxing Gym in Toronto and wants to be a champion. 


Points awarded

200 — Justin Chin
200 — Emily Cumming
125 — Jeremy Mckay
100 — James Paddie-Grant
50 — Dillan Colls
25 — Hannah Yoon
25 — Micah Bond