September 2015 Results

The judge for September's POM Contest was Deb Baic of The Globe and Mail. Thanks to Deb and all those who submitted! (@Dbaic,

Here are my choices for your POM. If anyone has any questions, feel free to send me a note. Keep in mind there were images that should have been in other categories and would have done well in the case they were in the proper category.


First Place – PRTSepHML2
This has great composition. The lines draw the eye to the subject framing her. I like how you positioned her with the light. The choice of having the subject look into the camera conveys her strength and determination. I immediately understood what the subject of the portrait was about. Well done 

TORONTO, Ont. (29/9/15)— Tari Ngangura, 21, a journalism student and one of the organizers of #AllBlackLivesMatter: Black Communities Take Back The Night event in Toronto on Saturday Sept. 26 shares about her passion for the movement #BlackLivesMatter. "My blackness in itself makes me a part of this movement. It's an issue that is very close to my heart: anti-black racism, and fighting that, and fighting police brutality and state-sanctioned violence. This is something I'm very passionate about, something that's very close to me because of my blackness."  Photo by Hannah Lawson
2nd – PORSepEJG2
I like this moment and the framing/composition of the performer. The subject is in the perfect position for the light to frame her face as she dances. 

BELLEVILLE, Ont (25/09/15) Misty Mac, A recent addition to the Vintage Showgirls Drag show gets into the moment during a performance at the Belle Pub. Photo By: Elliott Gould

 3rd – PRTSeptCEV3
This photo conveys a kind sadness about the subject. Life has probably been tough on this guy. There is grittiness about him and the moment. I think a slightly looser crop would work well for this photo.

LAVAL, Qc. (26/09/2015) - Mac Miller bleeds through the fog to uncover the ultimate beauty that is music, Sept, 26. Laval, Qc. Photo by Charles Vilagut


This portrait is interesting and almost there. It tough, you can’t always get a clean background but using a longer lens and shallower depth of field can help blur out the background a bit and help your subject standout more. You could have also focused more on her face. See this cropped version.

BELLEVILLE, Ont.  -- Newcomer drag queen Misty Mac, aka Brandon, backstage during the Showgirls Vintage drag show at the Belle Pub in downtown Belleville Friday, September 25, 2015. "At first when I was developing my look, I didn't really have the confidence to go out on stage or anything. So what I did was I went out to the straight bar in Cornwall. By getting the positive and the negative feedback I learned I could deal with anything, and that gave me the confidence to perform". Photo by Andrew C. Johnson

1st –NEWSepZVP2
Captured the tense interaction between protesters and police. A bit more dramatic, tense moment than 2nd place.
Cropped a bit too tight. 

TORONTO, ON (15/09/19) - Members of No One Is Illegal Toronto, an activist group that advocates for complete freedom of movement for all migrants and refugees, clash with security and police outside of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. The protesters were attempting to shut down a rally by PEGIDA Canada, an anti-Islam group that opposes the allowance of Muslim refugees and immigrants into Canada. Photo by Zachary Prong.

2nd – NEWSepACJ2
Captured the tense interaction between protesters and police

TORONTO, Ont.  (2015-09-19) -- Protesters scuffle with police and Legislative Assembly security as they attempt to shut down a rally staged by supporters of PEGIDA, a German anti-Islam group that opposing the allowance of Muslim refugees and immigrants into Western countries. The PEGIDA supporters were forced to disperse their rally in front of the Ontario Legislature at Queen's Park in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Saturday September 19, 2015, when pro-refugee groups including No One is Illegal, organized a counter-protest. Photo by Andrew C. Johnson

3rd – NEWSepZVP3
Good interaction between protestor and the pedestrians on the street
You really get the frustration of the person stuck trying to get out of the situation

TORONTO, ON (15/09/28) - A member of No One is Illegal Toronto (left), an activist group that advocates for complete freedom of movement for all migrants and refugees, argues with atendees of the federal leaders' debate on foreign policy at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto on Sept. 28. The protesters laid out lists leading up to the entrance with the names of 20,000 dead migrants and refugees printed on them. Anyone who walked across the names to enter the debate was heckled and booed. Organizers said they wanted to call attention to what they see as overly-restrictive immigration policies and a lacklustre response to the refugee crisis. Photo by Zachary Prong.

This one could have been a contender for 2nd or third but I feel like it was cropped way too tight and you start to loose the context of what exactly is happening
But has the [potential to be a good news photo

TORONTO, Ont. (19/ 08/15) - Anti-racist demonstrators push up against Toronto police in efforts to shutdown the anti-Islam movement PEGIDA, who met in front of the Ontario legislature in Toronto on Saturday afternoon. The police struggled to maintain a line separating the two opposing groups. Photo by Nakita Krucker

This one was cropped way too loose. I see what you are trying to show the frustration of the people with the protest but it gets lost in the image
TORONTO, Ont. (28/9/15)— Various groups protest outside Roy Thompson Hall on Monday evening before the Munk Debates on Foreign Policy commences. Attendees of the debate queue outside the hall, packed side-by-side with angry and passive protestors alike. A list of dead immigrants— the size of the line of people outside the hall— has been set up by No One Is Illegal, one of the protesting organizations. People are forced to either stand in a ridiculously long and slow-moving line walk across the list of dead immigrants and risk being heckled by protestors for being disrespectful to the dead. Photo by Hannah Lawson


1st –SPTSepMBS2
Nice moment with the huddle of the team and the team name on the wall. Composition is great as well with the reflection in the floor. Some thing different than usual game action. It shows thinking outside the box.

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (24/09/15) – Loyalist Lancers gather around a circle for their pre-game huddle before they face the Ottawa University Gee Gees in Belleville on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015. The Lancers went on to lose this preseason game, 119-72. Photo by Beatrice Serdon, Loyalist College.

2nd – SPTSeptCEV1
Nice action but mostly I like the composition and the rim lighting of the subject

BELLEVILLE, On. (16/09/2015) - Liam Just, a high school student from Belleville ollies out of a bank over a pole at the Belleville Skate Park on a warm evening Sept. 16. Photo by Charles Vilagut

3rd - SPTSepNAK3
Love that you got close but maybe a bit too close. I feel like I need to see a
Bit more of the action of rowing and that she is part of a team

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (22/09/15) - The Belleville Dragon Boat Club (BDBC) trains for their last race of the season on the Bay of Quinte with high hopes and excitement. Photo by Nakita Krucker

Good Action

BELLEVILLE, Ont. - (19/09/15) - Will Morris of Trent Excalibur holds possession despite the entourage of Loyalist players in the first game of the season played at Loyalist College this past Saturday. This trend continued throughout the game ending with Trent at 72 points, Loyalist Lancers, 5. Photo by Phil McLachlan


1st – FEASeptCEV3
The composition and repetition of the action in this image made it stand out.

BELLEVILLE, On. (22/09/2015) - Belleville Dragon Boat Club paddler Dominique Lutz keeps her eye on the finish line Sept. 22, as her and her teammates practice on the Bay of Quinte for their upcoming meet in Cobourg, Sept. 26. Photo by Charles Vilagut

2nd – FEASeptCEV2
This image needed to be cropped tighter so you can really focus on the dancer and her face. See crop..

TORONTO, On. (16/09/2015) - Flag dancers parade down Bloor St. during a Jesus Parade in Toronto Sept. 16. There were approximately 800 people at the parade all with their own groups praising Jesus. Photo by Charles Vilagut

 3rd – FEASeptCEV1
Nice sweet moment with what looks like a dad and son at the football field.

TORONTO, On. (12/09/2015) - Father and son watch as the University of Toronto Varsity Womans soccer team practices on their home field Sept, 12. Photo by Charles Vilagut

I think this should have been a News image and another example
Of outside the box thinking so I wanted to include it as an HM.

TORONTO, Ont. (15/09/28) - Attendees of the federal leaders' Munk Foreign Policy Debate at Roy Thomson Hall stand on the names of Alan, Galib and Rehana Kurdi, Syrian refugees who drowned while trying to cross the Mediterranean from Turkey to Greece. Activists from No One is Illegal, a group that advocates for complete freedom of movement for all refugees and migrants, laid out sheets of paper leading up to the entrance with the names of dead refugees and migrants printed on them. Organizers said they wanted to draw attention to what they see as a lackluster response to the refugee crisis from the leaders of Canada's major political parties. Photo by Zachary Prong.


In reading past judges comments I don’t think student have been taking this to heart. Go back and read the judges comments on providing information and what should comprise a multi-picture submission.

There we only two submission one of which had some merit, so…

While it is not really entirely clear what you are trying to say with this submission, the collection of portraits on this has potential. I would suggest working on a style for these, such as cropping square and going black and white… just a thought. See the crop.

Halie Mackillican, 20 - "That my dad had paid child support to my mom or she had financial help in another way."

Katlyn Anderson-Miller, 15 - "To live back with my mom."

Ramone Jimenez, 25 - "I grew up mostly in children's aid, I watched my mom struggle financially with 4 kids on and off. That was hard. Dad was an alcoholic and wasn't aloud to be around us. So as a result, my mom had a few nervous breakdowns, and she suffers from depression. I'd change that, and her MS. She was recently diagnosed."

BELLEVILLE, On. (27/09/2015) - Kyle Paige in front of his dad. "I wish I hand't had started doing drugs" says Paige, Sept. 27, 2015. Photo by Charles Vilagut

Jessica Moore 24 - "Probably having better better relations with my dad. Definitely."

The current standings for the 2015-2016 Photo of the Month Contest.
Points Awarded

345 - Charlie Vilagut + 260
260 - Zachary Prong  +135
200 - Beatrice Serdon +100
160 - Andrew Johnson +60
160 - Hannah Lawson +110
150 - Marissa Tiel
135 - Nakita Krucker +35
110 - Phil McLachlan +10
100 - Audrey Caron
100 - Chris Donovan
75 - Isaac Paul
50 - Elliot Gould +50