May 2015 Multimedia Results

Ryan Jackson (@ryan_jackson), a photojournalist at the Edmonton Journal, was the judge for May's Multimedia of the Month.

Judge's comments: Students can feel free to ask me any questions they have or general advice.

Less is always more when it comes to video. Shaky footage, bad sound and poor colour distract the viewer from the story rather than strengthening it. If you do your job right, the viewer should only think about the story and not wonder why the videographer didn’t use a tripod or a proper microphone. 

I was impressed with the sound of all the videos. Seems everyone used LAV microphones. Good mixing of ambient audio. This is wonderful! 

I assume everyone is using DSLRs for video. I highly recommend Canon users learn how to use the free Magic Lantern firmware. Just search YouTube for simple guides.  Magic Lantern adds key video features like audio levels and focus peaking that make your video life a lot easier. 

Also consider buying a cheap LCD loupe to press against your face and aid with focusing and stabilization. Check eBay.

Finally, remember that FCPx digital video stabilization is not a substitute for using a tripod or a simple shoulder rig. 

Camera support has never been cheaper and makes the difference between professional video worth paying for and crap that no one will watch or share.

Entry stats:
Photographers- 5
Video- 5


1. This video stuck out from the rest because of quality visuals and storytelling.
-Interesting story. You never hear or people going into farming when they retire.
-Beautiful visuals, composition, full range of focal lengths, details.
-Excellent editing and pacing, good use of music to set a mood at the start
-Best camera work of all the videos. No shaky footage. Professional quality.
-Excellent colour and exposure, especially in the dark barn
-Excellent interview and natural sound 

2. A great example of how to make a boring topic look interesting with sequences and detail shots.
-great composition, sequencing, great detail shots
-excellent colour, exposure and focus
-good camera work, used a tripod, no shaky footage

3. A fun video full of characters. 
-quirky topic
-still portraits were a nice touch but I would have like to see them cropped a little tighter to emphasize the beards.
-Could have used more portraits and faces and less boring shots of people standing around.
-Colour was inconsistent. Some clips were white balanced but many were too orange. Set your white balance!
-Female dancer at the end of the video wasn’t relevant to the story at all and should have been cut

1 Nakita Krucker- Retired to farming.


The current standings for the 2014-2015 Photo of the Month Contest.

Points Awarded
885 - Andrew Lahodynskyj
850 - Andrew Johnson
625 - Zachary Prong
475 - Amanda Cheung 
435 - Hannah Lawson
420 - Franki Ikeman
300 - Maggie Naylor
285 - Gabrielle Smith
200 - Micah Bond
175 - Andrew Meade
175 - Nakita Krucker 
150 - Dillan Cools
150 - Marissa Tiel
125 - Amanda Paulhus
125 - Hannah Eden
125 - Annie Sakkab
110 - Elaine Bombay 
110 - Tristan Urry
110 - Bradley Ruszkowski
100 - Graeme Murphy
100 - Alyssa Lloyd
50 - Julia Rhebergen
50 - Brian Cannon
50 - Jeremy McKay
25 - Thomas Surian
25 - Helene Roth
10 - Gretchen Chi
10 - Charlie Vilagut