Thanks to everyone who submitted to the first POM Contest of the 2011-2012 school year! 

There was a lot of quality work submitted and we're sure this months judge will have a tough time choosing the winning photographs. Results should be returned within the next 2-3 weeks and will be posted here as soon as they arrive. Winning photos will also be showcased in the display case located outside 1N5.

September is coming to a close so start gathering your photos shot between September 1-30 for the September Photo Contest. Deadline for the September contest is October 14th by 5pm. 

Just a reminder,
Photos with no captions will automatically be disqualified!
Double check and triple check your captions and make sure it is embedded in your submission.

There were a few photos from the Summer entrees that contained no captions and were unfortunately disqualified.
All photos must have proper CP style captions. Your captions are equally as important as the image itself. Remember, we are visual journalists— being a strong caption writer is also important.

If you need help with CP style caption ask a second year or teacher!

The POM Team